How to use the Sample Parenting Plans:
- These are just examples and ideas. You may want to look through multiple versions even if the schedule is different from your proposal to get ideas of what else you might want to include.
- Use the sample parenting plans to give you an idea of what you want to ask for in your divorce or with a mediator. Often, people going through divorce don’t even know what to ask for because this process is new. And while my opinion is that attorneys should give you an idea of what is normally included in high-conflict divorce, I find they often do not.
- If a particular issue is not addressed in the examples, don’t fret. See if you can use the language and boundary setting within the plans to create some ideas of your own regarding an issue that may be of concern to you.
- I offer parenting plan review services (for anyone) at a rate of $75, which can be booked on the appointments page. Once booked, email me your parenting plan, and I will review with comments, looking specifically for loopholes and items that may escalate conflict.
* A note about the Every Other Weekend schedule: I encourage clients to think about an Every Other Weekend schedule with time from Saturday at 12pm-Monday at school drop off. You can read more about my Every Other Weekend schedule reasoning here, but briefly, if you are going to file for a modification, you will need evidence. Unfortunately the court will not give you much credence. Having documentation from third parties can be very helpful, especially as children are coming off a weekend with the non-custodial parent. Be sure to talk to your attorney about any concerns.